Homeopathy: Evidence-Based Medicine or the Case of a Fallen Star


Evidence-based medicine
Randomized controlled trials
Systematic reviews


How to Cite

Mehra, V. (2024). Homeopathy: Evidence-Based Medicine or the Case of a Fallen Star. Indian Journal of Ayurveda & Alternative Medicines, 1(2), 22–25. https://doi.org/10.36676/ijaam.v1.i2.14


Homeopathy, a complementary and alternative medicine practice, has long been a subject of controversy within the medical community. the existing evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of homeopathy. We conducted a comprehensive review of randomized controlled trials (RCTs), systematic reviews, and meta-analyses to evaluate the therapeutic effects of homeopathic treatments across various medical conditions. While some studies report positive outcomes, the majority of high-quality trials and meta-analyses do not support the efficacy of homeopathy beyond placebo effects. Additionally, we explore the biological plausibility of homeopathic principles and discuss potential psychological and sociocultural factors contributing to its popularity. the need for rigorous scientific scrutiny and caution in endorsing homeopathy as evidence-based medicine.



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