As an interesting alternative to traditional therapies, homoeopathic medicine has recently gained a lot of attention in the field of paediatric healthcare. The purpose of this critical study is to investigate the effectiveness and safety of homoeopathy in paediatric populations, taking into consideration both clinical data and theoretical basis. By evaluating a profusion of papers and meta-analyses, this study provides light on the problematic nature of homoeopathy, especially in the context of treating paediatric diseases. In addition to this, it investigates the processes that are proposed by homoeopathic theory and discusses the extent to which these mechanisms are compatible with the recognised principles of pharmacology and biochemistry. The report also discusses the difficulties that arise when performing rigorous research on homoeopathy in paediatric patients. These difficulties include problems with the design of the study, blinding, and the appearance of placebo effects. The purpose of this study is to give insights into the sensible use of homoeopathic medicine in paediatric healthcare settings by conducting a complete assessment of the relevant literature. These insights will be offered to clinicians, researchers, and policymakers alike. At the end of the day, it highlights the significance of evidence-based practice in paediatric medicine and invites greater inquiry into the role that homoeopathy plays in the treatment of children.
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