Managing and treating gastrointestinal diseases can be difficult due to the fact that these conditions are common all over the world and create substantial obstacles. Unani medicine, which is an ancient medical system that originated from the Greco-Arabic heritage, provides a comprehensive approach to the treatment of gastrointestinal conditions. The purpose of this comparative effectiveness research was to determine whether or not Unani medicine is more successful than conventional therapies in the management of gastrointestinal diseases. Participants who were experiencing gastrointestinal issues were recruited and then randomly allocated to either the conventional therapy group or the Unani medication group. The group that got Unani medicine was provided with individualised treatment plans that were based on Unani principles. These treatment plans included advice for lifestyle changes, dietary alterations, and herbal formulations. The traditional therapy group was provided with the regular medical care that was prescribed by gastroenterologists. This prescribed care included pharmaceutical treatments as well as dietary recommendations.
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